Posts in Author
Barbara Ann Mojica, Children's Author, Historian, Professional Speaker

My mission is to inspire, educate and entertain children by making learning about history fun and educational. I use a cartoon-like character, Little Miss HISTORY, to narrate adventures that explore national parks, national monuments and other sites of historical interest. I hope that families will be able to discover new ideas and experience our rich historical heritage.

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Kevin Coolidge, Children's Author, Presenter

The Totally Ninja Raccoons is a series of early chapter books, target audience first through fourth grade. The books are specially structured to encourage reluctant readers. Short chapters, humor, adventure, and one picture per chapter keep kids feeling a sense of engagement and accomplishment as they plow through these stories and ask for more! Each book has the Totally Ninja Raccoons encountering a cryptid — a creature from folklore or mythology, whose existence is not currently confirmed by modern science. The “monsters” are presented in a fun, not-too-scary way, and readers are encouraged to do their own research to make up their minds about the possible existence of Bigfoot, werewolves, thunderbirds, sidehill gougers, the Loch Ness monster, and others.

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Conrad J. Storad, Children's Science & Nature Author

Nonfiction books should be fun. That's my goal with each and every book I write. I have programs to fit every age group and grade level. “Tales from the Sonoran Desert” is designed for primary grade students. I use multimedia, puppets and props to do animated readings for younger children: preschool, kindergarten, or primary and intermediate elementary grade students.

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Patricia M. McClure-Chessier, Award-Winning Author, Educator, and Speaker

Patricia's newly released book, A Caregiver's Guide for Alzheimer's and Dementia Nine Key Principles, prepares the caregiver for their journey and avoid pitfalls. The caregiver will learn nine key principles to be effective as a caregiver and have a rewarding experience. In “Losing a Hero to Alzheimer's The Story of Pearl”, Patricia helps families to understand the diagnosis and adjust to the changes within the family system.

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Lisa Jacovsky, Children's Author

Lisa Jacovsky currently is a Doctoral Level student at the Chicago School of Professional Psychology. She is excited for the possibilities having her Doctoral degree will bring her. She has been in the field of ABA since 2014 where she began her career working with adults in residential group homes. She moved onto working with children with an Autism Spectrum Disorder in 2018 and is currently working in Early Intervention.

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Lauren Kramer-Theuerkauf, Award-winning Children's Author

In 2016, I published a children’s book about Penny and her adoption journey entitled Priceless Penny. Penny and I visit area schools where we give presentations on the importance of adopting differently-abled animals. I also speak at community events as well as at local club and organizational meetings.

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Joseph Kimble, Children’s Author, Professional Speaker, Distinguished Professor Emeritus (of Law)

I want kids to laugh—and they do. But they also learn some important things about words, word meanings, word play, and metaphor. I say this in the book’s introduction: “Learn to love words—big and small—and learn which ones to use when."

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Anita Iaco, Children's Author and Guest Speaker

Anita Iaco owns a preschool in North Haledon, NJ, where her little students gift her with funny, sentimental, and inspirational story ideas almost daily. Iaco tries to teach them not only about letter and numbers, but how to share, take turns and respect each other. In her book, Let's Vote! A Fruitful Election Tale, Iaco attempts to capture those messages and feelings.

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April Goff Brown, Award-Winning Children's Author

In 2020, prompted to write down one big, bodacious goal for the year, April decided she would publish her book. In December 2020, I Hug You in My Heart became real. A personal story, the book was written to help children understand that even though they may not be able to spend time with their grandparents, they will always be inside their hearts.

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Victoria Devine, Children's Author

I am a teacher and an anti-bullying advocate. I helped launch our elementary school's Restorative Action Committee aimed and “restoring” behavior through mentoring. I travel to elementary schools helping children realize that hurtful words become embedded into a child's head and stays there through adulthood.

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Judie Nance, Children's Author

My book, Enlightened, tells the story of a young Egyptian girl named Neriyah who lived on the Nile River with her family. Her love for her father took her to a new and dangerous place. But her courage and bravery brought them home again. Neriyah wants every girl to know that if you stand up for what is right, you will be heard.

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Donna Sager Cowan, Children’s Middle-Grade Author, Speaker, Inspirer

As the youngest child in a large family, Donna Sager Cowan felt lost in the crowd. She entertained herself by making up stories and friends to play with. By age 5, Donna had taught herself to read, and that began her imaginative journey to dreamy castles with princes and fairy godmothers. Donna is a grandmother, random fact-finder, and encourager.t

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Peter Trimarco, Author, Illustrator, Publisher

Peter Trimarco started his professional doodling career as an editorial cartoonist before turning to commercial art and designing packaging for the music industry. While staying in the entertainment field, he published a trade magazine for the film industry and brought his creative juices to the printed page for youngsters. Peter is the illustrator of the critically acclaimed It’s Just So book series (Lizzy’s World) which he co-wrote with his wife, Brenda Faatz.

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Cathey Nickell, Children's Author and School Speaker

My upbeat presentation can be personalized for your school. I use my two books to spread an artsy message about writing, publishing, and creativity. I draw from my experience as a former newspaper reporter and public relations professional to bring an inspirational presentation full of personal stories, writing/publishing tips, and “insider information” about my books. A favorite moment is when I show examples of the hand-made books I created and wrote as a child. I still have dozens of them! My main talk is appropriate for Kindergarten through 5th grade. I can also read the book to younger pre-K children and discuss the story's playful ABC theme. I can present to 6th through 8th graders by focusing more on book publishing and writing skills. And finally, a small-group writer's workshop could be developed to suit your school's individual needs. I can bring the field trip to your school. Art car drivers are thrilled to join me at my author visits. Once a calendar date is set, I can ask an art car friend if he or she is available. Finding a real art car in Houston is fairly easy, and I have also had success scheduling them in other cities. Discuss this option with me, and let's see what we can create.

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Deborah Smith Ford, Children's author, former teacher, speaker, actor, impersonator

Allie's Adventures keeps readers on the edge of their seats. They discover new cultures, lifestyles, others' needs and desires and Allie's reaction to them.

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Simone Knego, Author, keynote motivational speaker

A former CPA, turned equestrian entrepreneur, turned teacher who’s the mother of 6—3 adopted from S. Korea and Ethiopia. Simone Knego has the uncanny ability to both motivate and inspire others to be the good in the world.

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Sunayna Prasad, Children's fantasy author

Sunayna Prasad enjoys writing fantasy books for children, as well as cooking, creating artwork, watching online videos, and blogging. She has also written The Frights of Fiji, formerly titled as From Frights to Flaws. She is passionate about modern life, fantasy, and world-building. Sunayna has graduated from college in May 2017. She lives in Long Island, New York.

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Precious McKenzie, Children's Author, Creative Writing Instructor

Precious McKenzie has a Ph.D. in English from the University of South Florida. Her area of specialization is nineteenth-century British literature, so naturally, she loves those big, fat Victorian novels. She's taught at the University of South Florida, New College of Florida, and Montana State University's City College.

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